Tuesday, March 3, 2009

In Like a Lion

March has been described as either "in like a lion, out like a lamb", or "in like a lamb, out like a lion". This year it came in like a lion. Sunday was rainy, windy, winter mix, and some snow.

Living in the highest mountains of north Georgia, our weather has always been more like southern Virginia than Georgia. Over the last several years, it has steadily gotten much warmer overall than the type of weather I grew up with.

Up until around 1980 the weather patterns in this part of the world were pretty much the same. In the summer we would get some pretty warm (hot) days in July and August - sometimes in the upper 90 degrees. However, every night it would cool down considerably. Most nights it would be down to around 60 degrees are below. Very few nights that you did not want a blanket or quilt before morning if you left the windows open. In the winter, we would get at least 3 or 4 snows that were 3 inches deep and a couple more that would be 6 inches deep or more. Then we would have a few more dustings of up to an inch or so. There would be some warm days in the winter, but there would also be spells of freezing temperatures that would allow several lakes to freeze over enough to walk on.

Spring and fall were definite and separate seasons. In fact, each season was roughly the same length of time it seemed. Those spring and fall times were marked with cool to warm days and nights that might show a little frost, or almost to frost temps. Certainly, there is always a little bit of romanticizing when you look back at the times of your youth and childhood - at least for most of us. However, I do have some hard information on these weather patterns.

My dad ran a real estate business for many years - he was the first in the area, and the largest. A part of his advertising was on the climate of the cool mountains. In order to back that up, we had information from the weather service showing the type climate we were enjoying.

This Sunday, the first of March, was a different day though. Here in the mountains, at a base elevation of almost 2,000', we were not getting hardly any snow. Oh there was some on the mountain tops, but not in the valleys and not in town. A winter weather advisory for almost half of the state of Georgia and we in the area with a climate more like southern Virginia were getting shut out. It did snow for about an hour with big, pretty flakes. But the ground was so wet and warm that it melted as fast as it came down.

In the Atlanta area and especially farther east in Athens, GA there was snow in plenty. My daughter, who is now living in Athens, was getting the snow. They got almost 6" before it was over with. While the snow was beautiful, it was wet and heavy. This caused some big limbs and more than a few trees to come down. Luckily she had no damage at her house. Just some limbs to clean up, and a couple of hours without electricity.

I couldn't let all the snow just pass me by though. So I took a ride up to Neel's Gap in the afternoon to see the snow on the mountain. I did take a few pictures and will add them if they come out decent. I enjoy the winter too much not to go see the snow when I had the chance.

I hope you are having a good winter and looking forward the spring. It will be here soon. In the meantime, pray for snow. See you down the road.


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